John McCain surprised many when he announced Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential running mate. I was one of many who responded with the statement “Sarah who?” Many of us have never heard of this person. Sarah Palin is known as a dark horse, one who is nominated unexpectedly, without previously having been discussed or considered as a likely choice. History is full of dark horses, for example, North Carolina’s own James K. Polk was one of the first dark horses in US politics. Abraham Lincoln has been described as a dark horse; that is ironic when one considers he is typically ranked in the polls as the best President ever. The addition of Sarah Palin makes this Presidential campaign truly historic. Regardless of who wins the election, there will be a first in US history: either an African-American will take the office of the President, or a female will occupy the office of the Vice-President. Clearly, this Presidential election is history in the making!
Regarding Senator McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin, was this a smart decision on his part? Why or Why not? As you ponder these two questions, consider how his choice may help or hurt him in the campaign. Remember, your post is not an opportunity to criticize or praise either political party. I want you to objectively consider McCain’s choice, and judge if it was a good or bad decision and then support your answer with solid reasoning. Like me, you may need to learn more about Sarah Palin; Google her name or try talking about this topic with the adults in your home.
Regarding Senator McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin, was this a smart decision on his part? Why or Why not? As you ponder these two questions, consider how his choice may help or hurt him in the campaign. Remember, your post is not an opportunity to criticize or praise either political party. I want you to objectively consider McCain’s choice, and judge if it was a good or bad decision and then support your answer with solid reasoning. Like me, you may need to learn more about Sarah Palin; Google her name or try talking about this topic with the adults in your home.