As of this posting, the presidential election is only 27 days away. We are in the home stretch, and both candidates are fired up and going at each other with full force. All those commercials attacking each other can be very powerful, especially to an undecided voter. Also, those commercials cost the candidates a fair bit of money. As your parents drive you around town you may have spotted the candidate’s signs. Have you thought about where the money is coming from for those very expensive commercials and yard signs? Click the above link and read the article to familiarize yourself with some basics about this campaign's finance.
I think you will agree this campaign has some “big bucks” involved. It has been argued candidates can buy elections with enough advertising. Think about songs you have heard on the radio that you did not particularly like at first, but after hearing it enough times you start to like it. The same has been said of campaign commercials-you start believing what the candidates tell you.
I think you will agree this campaign has some “big bucks” involved. It has been argued candidates can buy elections with enough advertising. Think about songs you have heard on the radio that you did not particularly like at first, but after hearing it enough times you start to like it. The same has been said of campaign commercials-you start believing what the candidates tell you.
Here is your assignment in two parts; be sure to post your responses: 1) Do you think campaign television commercials are important in this election and why? 2) Which candidate’s commercial do you think is the most effective and why? For part two you will need to watch some television (you don’t get that very often as a homework assignment!). Remember you need not agree with the candidate, but view the commercial objectively and determine if it was persuasive.