The importance of current events cannot be emphasized enough. I promise you that 100 years from now, students in middle schools across God’s earth will be studying your current events. The difference is that to them, it will be “stuff” that happened in the past. It bears repeating: “Today’s current events will be tomorrow’s history.” Discussing current events makes you an informed and involved citizen. Moreover, you will better understand people and how they relate to one another. So, let us consider for a moment the topic of current events. Granted, the upcoming Presidential election will make every textbook, but what about the other events taking place? Aside from the comments I’ve blogged, do you think it is important for middle schoolers to learn about current events? Why or why not? What kinds of current events interest you? Consider these questions for a moment and post a response.
I believe that knowing current events are important for our society. It keeps us updated and when we are challenged we will not look dumb. It also helps us to know what is going on around us and how we can help other people. Current events I enjoy most are sports- especially Football. I also enjoy politics.
I think that current events are important because something that happened today could be part of our worlds major history. Like since we were here today we can tell other people in the future what really happened instead of something a person made up to sound cool. Some current events i enjoy are the Presidential elections and the Olympics. :)
I think that learning current events is important. If we don't keep up with the current events then we lack knowledge. So current events keep you caught up with everything around you. The current events that I enjoy is the Olympics and America's Got Talent.
i think we should be aware about our current events because later on it could be huge history, i enjoy sports, i play soccer and volleyball
I think that it is important to know current events.I like to keep up with current events so if some one is talking about them I won't look stupid.If were going to study current events I would like if we study sports or the olympic games. If we cant study sports then I'm with 7bcaleb, lets study the presidential campain.
Caleb, it warms my heart to read you like it football. It’s a great sport. I’m glad to see you like politics, we will be spending a lot of time with the presidential election. Caleb, you don’t need to share which candidate you support, but what ISSSUES are of interest to you?
Dustin, I too enjoyed the Olympics. They were a lot of fun, and I’m a little sad they ended. I am still amazed by the opening ceremony.
Regina, I must confess I have never watched America’s Got Talent. What makes it so interesting?
Mr. M I am kinda confussed about what you mean about ISSUES. Also the Olympics are over so how can talk about them as "Current Events?"
Caleb, some of the issues are healthcare, the environment, energy sources, taxes, etc... As a teacher, I am always interested in what the candidates have to say about education.
So what are your thoughts?
A big issue is gas prices. But I really don't think the canadates can really help that. If you have ever seen Obahama's commercial he says he is going to suply poor families with over 100,000 jobs. But I don't think he can do that either.
An Issue that USED to be big was global warming. Is that still an issue? Also Obahamma is atarting to sound like the next Robin Hood cause the only way he can give out jobs to the poor is by taking money from the rich.
Mr. M, America's Got Talent is interesting because there is A LOT of people who think they have talent and were willing to give it a shot. It is funny how many people in our country thought they had talent who doesn't. Some of the top 40 acts are "The James Gang" they take 1920 music and turn it into hip-hop.Another one is this little girl who just turned four and can sing "Wishing on a Star" just like Kermit the frog, she sang every word and every note! One person who didn't get picked to the top 40 was this guy who puts a sword down his neck and takes it out, he even did it with a curved sword!When this son and father tried out for aditions they thought that bending down to kiss a cobra was a talent, however they did not make it through the next round. The people in our country get to vote for the people on the show so that the person who they voted for might go to the next round. The winner at the very end will have the rights to be called the most talented person in the USA and will win ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!!
I agree with everyone in the class so far I think it is verry important to learn about currnet events as they are happening around us because what Mr.m said was true "todays currnet's will be tomorrw's history" and it's important for us to know what's going on all around us.We are appart of the history people will learn 100 years from now even if our name arrent directly in the text books. My personal favorite current event is cheerleading
i think middle schoolers should current events.1 because we need to know when soccer practice is. 2 and if your friend won her soccer game. 3 and i mean who gets to say you saw michal phipels win. 4 presidents, we should all know about the new and old presidents. we need to know how the president campans, election, ect... cause we might be in the same situation. 5 in a couple years well be voting and we dont want to pick a bad president.
I think current events are important because if we don't know them, then if there is an issue, we will not know what to do about it. Right now I am interested in a few of Books by James Patterson: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X, and the Maximum Ride series. The Maximum Ride books are my favotite though. There are 4 books in the series and there is a 5th one coming out March 16, 2009. One of the things I like about the series is that in the 4th book, it talks alot about global warming. I think it is important that people should know about global warming because it is the cause of some of the other issues today. Everyone should know about it so everyone can put there part in to try to stop it. But I don't think we should be afraid of it.
I think that it is important for middle schoolers to learn current events. Why? Because you never know if todays current events could be a major part in history in the future. For example September 11 was a current event that Americans will never forget. Some current events that I enjoy are the Olympics and stories about hurricanes, storms, and tornadoes. I also like to hear about heros in the war over in Iraq.
hi mr. m!
this is just a test.
i think that we should pay attention to current events, primarily to become better aquainted with the world we are living in. my secondary reasons are so we can say i know that michael phelps just made history, and i was watching, or i was watching/there when our oldest or first black president,(hopefully oldest)was elected into office which politicians and history classes will still be discussing decades from now. those are some of the things that make this a great nation. so far, we have had rapidly changing current events since America was discovered, most of them for the good, some for the bad, but thats what helps nations to grow strong or weak, their current events. the war we are partially in right now will go down in history. all of our leaders and even everyday people have helped change history for the better and if we dont pay attention to whats going on around us,we wont know or remember any of it when we are challenged or questioned about our faith, which is another reason to pay attention to current events, to know what things God is doing for us in this world today.
Caleb, funny comment about Robin Hood-I got it!
Regina, you make a great case for the show. I’m now interested and want to watch it. When does it come on again and what time?
Abby, thank you for commenting on your fellow classmates' words and I am so very pleased to see you now have internet and logged on so quickly-well done! I must confess I don’t know much about cheerleading. My challenge to you is to bring forth and to my attention issues about cheerleading. If I think the issue is interesting and enough people will respond to it, I promise you we will discuss it in a blog!
Morgan, great comments, well thought out. You didn’t mention what topics interest you!
Anna, I am so very proud of you and the books you are reading. Maybe we will have some type of blog about favorite books and work that blog along with Mrs. Wilhelm’s class? I think that would be very interesting!
Caleb, great job on the post. Hurricanes may very well be the next topic we blog about. As I write this, the news is reporting the next hurricane is headed straight for New Orleans! Yikes! That city has still not fully recovered from Katrina. We must wait and see what happens. If it does strike, you can be sure we will be talking about it.
Sarah, “Hi” back at ya and I look forward to your post.
I think that we should know about current events. They are very important because some of them people will be talking about hundreds of years from now. I am interested in current events likethe Olympics, the elections, and stuff that is going on in our state. I also like to hear about the hurricanes that come through in the summer and fall.
Hey Mr. M! Well the show was on Tuesday and yesterday LIVE, they said it is going to be LIVE again on this coming Tuesday on NBC at 8:00pm. IT is RATED PG-13 and I agree with that!! Some acts are a little risque. On Tuesday there is going to be some elimimations there from this week. Hope to here from you again!
I think current events are important. Our current events become history and can teach others lessons. The current event I am most interested in is the war in Iraq. I also enjoyed watching the Olympics. Which is really history now.
Hey Trey I see that you didn't need Regina's or my help after all! But if you do need help feel free to call or E-mail me. I agree with Trey the Wars in Iraq has been going on so klong that I'm not caught up in it. That should be something we should blog about.
Hi Mr. M. I think that it would be cool if we did a blog with Mrs. Wilhelm's too. Caleb, global warming is still a problem. It is causing the greenhouse effect which is changing the climate. Just changing the climate can create major problems like the riseing of sea levels which can cause flooding, or permanent inundation. It increased drought and wild fires, and it is causing diseases to spread faster because there is an increase of disease-carrying rodents and insects. Plus, it is also ruining the agriculture in some places.
I will have to agree with Trey and Caleb (7b), keeping up in war is important! And in this year we should blog about how things are, or how life would be for a soldier in all kinds of conditions. Now I might not completely understand everything in war, but knowing what is happening in the present,(current stuff) is something worth learning about. Something OUR nation is fighting for.
What I don't get about Global Warming is why those bone-head polotics say we cause Global Warming. My thing is- It is God's Creation and He can Destroy it or save it however he wants to!
hi mr.M!!!!!!!^_^ i like sports news politics archealogical discoveries and events that may change the world.
p.s. mr.m check out these faces i can make @_@ X_X -_- *_* o_o )_)
mr.m check it out! it says hi
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Bryson No offense or anything but whats with all the lines and dashes?
I think that current events are important to us because we need to know whats going on in the world. If we didn't know what was going on we would completely cluess when people ask us questions. We could always use that information to tell other people less fortunit to know the information. Right now my favorite event is the gas prices. Why can't they drill in Alaska? I know they are worried about the polar bears but thats stupid making us pay that much to help them.
just testig
Yes I think that it is important to learn about current events. I like current events about sports and I like knowing what is going on with the Olympics, the weather,and the important people that set world records and do important things!!!!
I know the olmpics is over but I liked knowing what was going on
Hey Mr.M just seeing if this worked
I think it is important that we know what is going because how are we supposed to be a part of it if we do not what is going on. I love watching olympics. I also love watching the election not always the people,I just like seeing who wins.
mr. m
are we supposed to write on this one as our homework
this is a test
but please answer
this is ellie bye
hey sorry my thing a 6bellie i had trouble changing
i will talk to you about it @ school on tuesday
yes Ellie we are supposed to write on this for homework and it is due Tommorrow! Tuesday September 2, 2008.
I think that middle schoolers should learn about current events because when we grow up and we have to make our own decisions we should be able to understand about politics, money, sports, and the past history of our country. If we don't know about our past mistakes we will continue to make them over and over again. I liked watching the Olympics.
I think that we should know what is happening around us so that we should respond by debating.
Also it helps us to know how to respond and in what way. The hurricane in Haiti is a current event that is taking place this hurricane is heading toward the U.S says Fox News. The weather,sports,the olympics,style,Carolina sports,graphic design,vacations,different places to see around the world,plays, and hiking.
I think that we should know what is happening around us so that we should respond by debating.
Also it helps us to know how to respond and in what way. The hurricane in Haiti is a current event that is taking place this hurricane is heading toward the U.S says Fox News. The weather,sports,the olympics,style,Carolina sports,graphic design,vacations,different places to see around the world,plays, and hiking.
I think that knowing current events as a middle schooler is important because you will be able to figure out what party your in. Also so you can know who and what you are voting for in the election.I agree with 7bcaleb that current events I enjoy are sports.
i think we need to pay attention to current events because then we can see history happen for example Michael Phelps most of us saw history happen but if we don't keep up with our history then we may not know that somebody else broke the record so we go around saying Michael Phelps still holds the record but he doesn't then we just look stupid.
I believe that current events are important. Something amazing could happen this hour this minute and it could be a great part of history. Oh yeah and to learn about the world we live in today. I enjoy Volleyball alot. And i like to play football for fun!
I think it is important to know about current events because I like to know what is happening around the world. I especially like football and baseball. I was surprised that John McCain picked a woman for Vice President.
I was surprised too Matt. I can't remember her name though. She was like the governor of Alska and nobody had even heard of her!
I think kniwing importance of current is important so we know what is happing in are world around us
yes,so they know whats going on,i like learning sport events
I think current events are important for us to keep up with so we will know what is happening around the world.Things that I am interested in are war and sports
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