The Presidential campaign is in full swing, and both sides are taking jabs at each other. An Obama advertisement criticized McCain’s lack of computer skills. In the commercial, an announcer notes McCain “still doesn't know how to use a computer, can't send an e-mail.” Ouch!! John McCain cannot send an e-mail because he is physically unable to do so. He was tortured by the Viet-Cong while a prisoner of war. Not to be outdone, click on the above link to read about Obama’s running mate Joe Biden’s “designer cuff links” and “Questions about his hairline”. Does being able to send an email or having a full set of hair really matter in this election? This is mudslinging. A term used in politics to describe the negative ads put forth against the opponents. Mudslinging is nothing new in politics. Thomas Jefferson hired a writer named James Callender to attack President Adams. He wrote that John Adams is "a repulsive pedant," and a "gross hypocrite.” In 1876 the opponents of Rutherford B. Hayes spread a rumor that he shot his own mother in a fit of rage. A complete lie! In this present election with so much mudslinging taking place, it’s quite easy to lose sight of what really matters: who is the best person to run our country? To best answer that question, we must carefully scrutinize where the candidates stand on the issues. Some of these issues include national security, healthcare, taxes, immigration, education, the war in Iraq, energy, etc… Again, these are only a few of the big issues, and I’ve left out many important ones you probably feel are vital.
I want you to think about what you believe are the two most important issues and why they are so relevant. After you have considered this, I want you to post a response. Be sure to explain what issue you feel is the most important and the second most important issue; moreover, explain WHY for both choices.
Well I mean it is not that important to worry about your hair. But not knowing to send an email is pretty sad. Either way they will be able to fix them both. We vote to choose someone to help organize and help protect and rule our country. People might not agree with me but my responce is that we just need someone who has the abillity to help the country not turn it over to our enimys.So do hair and email matter that much to saftey? Not really.
i dont think that stuff like your hairline and if you can send an email or not matters. i think that the really big issues are how they will make the country better and what the new president is going to do about natural enery problems in the US. making the country better includes stuff like national security, etc. i think thats a big issue because our country is great right now but the candidates probably have some good idesa no one has even thought of yet. i also think that we have an energy problem bacause we have alot of natural resources in the US but we havent tapped unto them yet. i feel those are the most important issues right now because they link together in a sense that part of the war in Iraq and the national security issue are caused by us relying so much on foreign oil when if we tapped into our natural resources more we could partially stop giving the countries we are at war with billions of dollars in gas money and the war would be closer to an end along with a need for more national security.
regina, i see your point but safety isnt the only factor in who we choose as our president. and John McCain cant use the computer because he is a war veteran and was torturd while being a prisoner of war so its really not his fault he cant send an email or use a computer.
The most important to me is the war in Iraq! the war has been going on for so long I FORGOT WHAT IT WAS ABOUT. We need to just get it over with. Another important issue I think, and maybe one of the more important ones, is Relegion. Obahama is a muslim in the religion of Islam which are the same people who destroyed the Twin Towers. He says he is a Christian but I think that the change he talks about is an America in flames. I don't trust him one bit! Mcain may not be a Christian but I feel I can trust him more. So waht if he can't send an E-mail----- write letters!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that imigration and the war. The fist one is the war in Iraq. I think the war is a huge issue because it is costing the US alot of money and is taking the lives of some of the people in the Military. I think that Bush should have just gone in and capture Saddam Hussein and then do all the trials and then after he was hung then to just leave the country and leave them alone. That would have saved the US a lot of money. The second one is the Immigration. I think the US needs to do a better job at reconizing illegal immigrants because my mom used to work at this Health Department and she said that there was no way of telling who was in the US illegaly or not. She said that the way it was set up that some of the people who aren't supposed to be in the US in the first place are getting free health care and other benifits that even some US citizens can't get. And also some of the Illegal imigrants get cars and drive them around without licence. In Charlotte, NC and I'm sure other places in the US, there have been car wrecks where there were illegal imigrants with out licenses who have gotten drunk and started to drive and have had wrecks and people have died. I think that the person we elect for president needs to set it up so that there are no illegal immigrants.
I don't think that mudslinging matters in the election. But Mr.M, does John McCain really know how to send an email? Because our family knows someone who is paralized and he can and knows how to send an email. Oh and Mr. M, I read somewhere Obama used to do drugs.
I agree with 7b regina and 7b sarah that it isn't very important to worry about hair and issues related to hair. I do think that our president needs to know how to type and send emails so he can communicate with all the people he needs to communicate with.
The most important things to me are Religion and National Security. Religion is the most important to me because the country was founded on the Bible. The pilgrims left England so they could believe what they knew was right without being prosecuted for it. Like 7b caleb syas, Obama's family are muslim Islams. There religion says that the more of us they kill, the higher their rank in heaven.
National Security is also very important to me because I don't want America to become like Iraq where you can't step out of your front door without worrying about being blown up. If lots of terrorists and illegal immigrants start coming over and we don't have good National Security, we might become like that.
I agree with 7aAnna on the fact that mudslinging doesn't really matter.
I personally dont really want either of them to be President. I am very glad I don't have to vote yet.
i think that that all that stuff about not knowing how to send an email and hairline and stuff is just redundant! how jejune! i think that to run our country it just doesnt realy matter. i heard a commercial that said obama talks about change but he doesnt describe what kind of change. i also have heard that obama is trying to dig up dirt about sarah palin. i think we need to work on hunger and poor people. people die every day because of starvation. i also think we need to work on religion we came here to have our own way of religion in christianity. though many have forgotten it. i agree with you caleb it doesnt matter if you cant write emails.
I think him not having alot of hair does not matter but knowing how to send an email does matter because he will be able to ask questions about the election if he doesnt know their phone number... I think John Mccain has more hair than Obama so that really doesnt matter.
Hey Mr.M,
On T.V. just a second ago they just had one of these Mudslinging.It was about Oboma saying he was going to make the kindergardeners learn sex before they can read. Which this commerial is just dumb. Who would want to do that???
personally i think hair and emial is not important. i mean its pretty sad he cant email but thats not important we shouldnt be worryed about these things we should be worrying about if they should lead our country not 4 someone to check your email or hairline.
personally i want mc.cain to win because he apeals to eveyoneplus i think many other reasons but the thing about before anyones president its just a bunch of talk i promise you this and i promise you that. they have alot of promises to live up to i bet they forget half of them. who evers president i hope they lower gas price. cause when i get sixteen it will be like 20 bucks if it keeps up this rate. personally i want the imaginable president the one that everyone wants but never came. i also think we should get the people out of iraq
caleb that was funny about the part i forgot what why everyones in iraq i mean why are they over there
i also agree with bryson about the people dieing of starvation
oh my goodness about what regina said about the kindergarden thing that terrible i do not want that to be our president but then my friend amy just said mc.cain said that im not sure who it was but who ever it is i dont want him to be our president
peronally i dont agree with the email thing. i think you can use phone, letters... i understand what you mean tho but most people when they have something important to tell someone they ether go to there house or call them
I agree with 7amorgan about the kindergarten thing is terible. Oh and I also agree wiht 7acarrie about how McCain has more hair than Obama
I think that its sad that he can't send an e-mail, but he has his reason from war. But does Obama?,Obama is so caught up in making Mcain look bad he has no time for his own excuses
so I am with Mcain.
I think war and heathcare are the two top issues. People are dying for a reason to pretect others. Mcain would be a good military leader.Obama has no military experience.
Helthcare is important because people need to live and be heathy
i think the two most important things in the election is one knowing how to run a country and two know how to be friendly you don't really want a grouchy president. and i think the hair and emailing thing is stupid.
well i kind of am leanibg on regina's side because no i do not think that it is very important not to have hair and anyways obama does not have that much hair for himslf either. well i think that maybe obama should not be the president of the USA if all he is going to do is find all the stuff wrong about everything. but i do thonk that maybe some one can teach McCain to e-mail and it is not going to take weeks or something and yes i think that he should know how to but i think obama is makeing a big deal about this and i really absolutly think that teaching a 5 year old about sex and i really hope that he can know that that is wrong.
another thing that really makes me really sad about is that when we were doing the issues about obama and McCain on friday when we had no music i found out that obama thinks that abortion is ok and that we should all vote yes for abortion and mccain thinks that we should vote no for it. i think that it is very wrong and with my opinion i think that McCain would be a better president and that if he were president we would be more satisfide with him them obama. but if obama became president then i think that our country would not be hapy with him as president and i would hope people would really figure out that abortion is wrong and that teaching 5 years old children about sex is WRONG!!!! well i thnk that obama needs to know that it is not al about sending e-mails or have hair on your head. it is about running a country, kepping people safe, helping others with problems that can be solved, and caring about everyone in the USA or anywhere around the world. i think that more people are going to be happy with McCain as prsident then Obama.
GO McCAIN!!!!!!!!!!
Outstanding comments. Well thought out and stated nicely. It looks like the consensus thus far is gas, domestic safety, the war, religion, and the economy. I can’t disagree with any of those choices.
Anna, I’m sure McCain knows how to send an email he just physically can’t do it. As for Obama’s drug use, he has admitted to this and cites it as one of his biggest regrets as a youth.
Bryson, I love your comment about Obama and promising change but “what kind of change.” That’s exactly my point, we as informed voters need specific information to make an informed decision.
Morgan, if gas should rise to $20 a gallon I will no longer be able to afford my drive to school and my house is less than five miles from SCC. Yikes!
Maggie, excellent points and thanks for taking the time to write more than one sentence, teachers love long responses. I appreciate your hard work!
I totaly agree with caleb on the war thing, people are over there from our country giving their lives for something alot of people have frogetten why it started that is my second concern but my first is the oil supply!!! the hurricane hit our oil supply and now the prices are RISING AGAIN!!! I went to three gas stations and one of them was realy high prices and the other two hardly had any at all!! it neds to stop.
i think the most important isuses are probily the war.how will the new person handle it. what will they do will they retreat the troops or stay and fight them. another is the oil prices. what will the new presidant do to adress it and handle it and what dose is it matter if you cant send a email or ur hair line isnt straight??????????????
I agree with 7b caleb the war going on in iraq is the most important thing it is been going on for way to long and I think they should try to settle it. Also I believe the second most important is our education because we need to know how to communicate. It doesnt matter if mcCain cant send an email thats also why they invented phones!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not many will care that much if mCcain cant send an email.
I think the two most important issues in the United States are national security and healthcare. I think the most important issue out of these two is national security. I think that it is the most important issue because if we didn't have national security people such as terrorists would attack us alot. I also think healthcare is the second most important issue. I think that heathcare should be at affordable prices because some people can't even afford healthcare. Such as when my mom had her car accident it cost thousands of dollars and if she didn't have healthcare she would still be in debt. This is not part of the question; but I think the third most important issue is education, because we need to be able to compete with other countries in the future.
i don't think it matters that McCain cant type an email because our first presidents did not have it and they were some of our best presidents. It doesn't matter if anyone is bald or their hair is 10 ft. long it only matters that they are Christians and will talk to God about their decisions.
the two most important hings I think right no is gas prices and scurity. Gas prices because if they don't letus dig everyone is going o go poor if they keep going up. Security because I have a feeling that when one person gets elected they might get shot. I thinkthis because all that mudsliging going on people are going to get a deep hatred for that president. Thats jus my opinion. It doesnt matter if people are losing their hair everyone does. We need to worry about who is going run our country!!!! If you can't use an e-mail like caleb said write letters.
I think that it is importasnt to have home security so that the 9-11 will not happen again, and that it is very important for everybody to have health care especially childern so that they can go to the doctor.
i agree with your comment because secruity is totally important
Question #1: Not really b/c it's based on your party, and the candidate’s biography and what they believe is best for our country. The reason I say not really, is b/c some people vote on who looks the cutest: by what they wear, what color their hair is, what style their hair is, and if their hair is falling out or not. Different people base it on what their abilities and disabilities are. They also base it on if they look "too" old or "too" young or just right.
Question #2: Now, usually I would just say that I think John McCain should win b/c he's an elephant and I'm an elephant, but b/c I have actually done research on McCain and Palin I don't have to go with that answer. I have to say I have heard, read and done more information/research on Sarah Palin than John McCain. I would say Sarah Palin b/c she didn’t abort her son with Down Syndrome. Palin also said that her son is a gift from God. Overall she is pro-life and against abortion. She is opposed to same sex marriage, and she agrees that a marriage should be between a man and a woman only. She is also a Bible-believing Christian. My opinion is that I’ve heard great news and things about her. So b/c of what I have told you, I would tell you that I would and am voting for McCain; for the most part b/c all the great things I've heard about Palin, and b/c she is with McCain I vote for McCain. And of course b/c Sarah & John are elephants. I VOTE FOR JOHN MCCAIN AND HIS RUNNING MATE SARAH PALIN WITHOUT ANY DEBATE!!!!
I think that the two most important issues are national security and education.Right now our contry is still in a war and even though things seem to be going our way you never know if some imbecile is going to pull another 9/11. I also beleive that education is a very important issue now. Our public schools cant even worship God freely.
I think that the mud slinging is not necessary. I think that taxes is a big issue. If the government raises taxes they are taking more money away from us. Which means we have less money to buy the things we need. The government should have to tell us how they spend our tax money but I know they won't.
Immigration is another big issue. Some have come over illegally and taking jobs away from Americans. They get things we don't. Some don't have to pay taxes. They get extra help going to community colleges. Some are getting free health care. That is not fair to Americans who work hard and have to pay alot for health care.
I think that the president should be concerned about our education. And making sure that all children are getting a good education. Every child should get a good education because we are the future and if the future is not well educated then we are all in trouble. I also think that the war is important. In my opinion the United States should continue their mission in restoring order and bringing democracy to the Iraqi people.
I think the most important thing is education and safety. I mean mostly everybody is concerned about there safety. And education children need to learn EVEN adults need to learn.
The two most important issues to me are the war in Iraq and national security.The war is happening now and needs to be resolved so that these people have their freedom.National security is important because with the war going on there is still a threat of terrorist action.
Energy is something we use every day and can be exspensive at times. Some people use too much energy. Also education because if you don't have a good education you might not be very succsesful when you grow up. Without education we would not be able to do alot of the things we do.
I don't think sending an email is that important. If McCain realy wanted to send an email he could have somebody type it for him.
lokoon5Hair and e-mails don't matter in a presidential election- how to run the country matters
I agree with 7bdustin about the email thing because even if you can't physically type an email, some people would rather talk on the phone then send an email just like some people would rather talk on a cell phone than text or the other way around. I am not saying that John McCain doesn't want to send an email. But as technology is improving, the computers we have today could be a thing of the past tomorrow just like typewiters are now because when they were invented, they were like a computer is to us. I mean if you have seen Iron Man, you know all that like technology that he used to build the smaller suit thingy that he had in the room where he worked? Well in the future, all that stuff might be in most of our houses and be sort of like a computer is to us today. So being able to send an email now might not be very important in the furture. What we have in the future might be sort of like a computer because whoever invents something like that probably got the idea of whatever he or she invented from a computer just like the keyboard of a computer most likely came from a type writer.
When I was talking about Iron Man, bye "he" I am talking about Tony Stark.
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