The election is finally over, and based on those early polls, it comes as no surprise Barack Obama will be our next President. A historic election for many reasons, but probably the most significant is the United States will have for the first time ever a black President. Personally, I am glad the campaigning is over because I am SICK AND TIRED of all those political ads. Televisions, radios, yard signs, and all those phone calls have been driving me crazy. It got so bad at my house, I stopped answering the phone when the caller ID registered a number I didn’t recognize. That’s pretty bad when a person must hide in their own house. The one thing I will not miss is talking about the election with my students. Like so many things about education, one of the great joys about teaching is talking to YOU (my students) about the subject at hand.
As we continue to talk about President Obama, he faces many challenges in his next job. He will be President of a nation greatly divided along party lines; many Republicans are not enthused about the future of our country. Obama must win over their trust and respect. The economy continues to be a serious problem in the US and world. He made campaign promises about energy solutions and our dependence on foreign oil. For his proposed health care plan, I’ve been assured I may keep my current health care but the cost will be lowered by as much as $2,500 a year. You can be sure the country is going to scrutinize him very closely. Yes, he too will be judged by the very people who elected him. Let us not forget the world stage, as foreign governments and its citizens will be evaluating him. You can see the pressures Obama faces, but these are the very challenges every newly elected President must face. Sometime in late April, we will evaluate Obama’s first 100 days in office and decide for ourselves his job performance. But for right now, post a comment on what you believe will be Obama’s biggest challenge in the first 100 days, and WHY?
i think that he will have to deal greatly with the media scrutinizeing whatever they can dig up. second he will have to deal with the people who are mad that there is an african american presedent. then he will need to deal with the economy and the people who will look up to him during a crisis that may. personally i think he is a little bit under expierianced in this. then having to deal with bringing all the troops home and the outcome of this act. then fulfilling the things he said in the campaign speechs or else people will bring him down on that.
i think that he will face alot of problems when he first starts but i would to if i were president because i would want for everybody to like me and try to hard and it would be stressfull. but the biggest thing i thinks is not being with his wife and girls alot and specially cause they are not older but they are like 10 and 7 years old i when i was there age i did not like being without one of my parents. the other BIG thing i think he is going to struggle with is the ECONOMY. i think people are really going to look up to him and i agree with bryson that he is not really had alot of experience with this job and i think that this is the harest time to be president because you are dilling with alot of important things, trying to stay or do something with the kids, and then... the ECONOMY.
well i would just want him to make good chioces for our contry.
oh and mr.mercereau can you tell me the cool video and how to do it about the mr.mercereau running for president thing..i think that it is sooo cool and wanted to show my sisters...thanks
Here is the internet site for the infamous "Mr Mercereau for President"
Try using "cut & paste"
Well he will face LOTS of troubles, with all those promises he said on his commercials he is going to have a hard time being president. Sure the people will like him in some things, but with all these promises people will think he is not trustworthy. On news LIVE TV during school hours this week there was this lady who voted for Obama and she said that now Obama is going to pay her car and house bills. Some people don't like darker skin people and think that they are are better then them. I think he will have lots of complaints and that he might break some of his many promises.
-7B Regina!!!
I think he will have a lot of racial comments throne at him and i want to see how he handles them. In my own opinion he will have people try to kill him and it will start a civil war between whites and blacks. Some of those people that try to kill him will probably be in the KKK. That's what i think will happen in his first 100 days.
i think the hardest thing obama is going to be trying to keep everybody happy(which he cannot). i think it will be hard to get used to the white house and the new life like maggie said. i do not think he is going to keep his family happy by not always being with them. like he is going to miss a bunch of their activities. so i think is hardest challenge will be his family.
i think the hardest thing obama is going to be trying to keep everybody happy(which he cannot). i think it will be hard to get used to the white house and the new life like maggie said. i do not think he is going to keep his family happy by not always being with them. like he is going to miss a bunch of their activities. so i think is hardest challenge will be his family.
I think the hardest thing in his first 100 days will be media. The media is going to try and find all sorts of evil things about him especially the Republicans. I think it will also be getting ready to do all those things he promised. I personnally believe that he will jot be able to keep all his promises! If the country is runing low on money then the government is going to tax us more to make sure they keep a good amount of money.
PS: I just read in the newspaper that President-Elect Obama went to the White House for the first time to meet with President Bush. This was their first face to face meeting.
The government tries to fix our problems, but too often become the problem!
I think that the biggest problem he will have to deal with is the economy, because there is so many people out of work and their frusterated, they were ready for a new good person. Also the other thing he will have to deal with is the War, deciding when and how to pull out the troops. Dealing with the issue of our safety. Hopefully he will put together a good or wise Cabinet.
i think that the bigest things he will have to go through is getting our respect and the economy situation.i also think that it will be a big struggle to one get the troops out safetly and two do that with out risking any truces. the next big thing that i think he will have promblems with is his childern are young and with having to take care of the country and his daughters will be hard. everyone needs a dad thats around. the next thing i think will be a promblem will people will subspect him to keep all his promises. hello reality, has any president kept all his promises plus do you keep all your promises. i hope our country knows that all this campaining is all talk.
bryson, i think that no one that runs has experice. i personally think that even sarah palian didnt have experice personally because non of them have been president before. president is a big job.my oppoin is this anyone thats hasnt been president before is not exreice because they have'nt been president before. you have to be a president to say you have experince.
deborah, i agree with you completely when you say that one of the big things is keeping everyone happy. i all i have to say is good luck obama!!!!!!
I think that Obama will have a lot of problems as president.
1) He will have to deal with people that did not want him to be president. There will probably be someone that tries to assasinate him. If he sudeeds, then Joe biden is president. If not, the guy who tried to assasinate Obama will have added fuel to the fire, and others might try as well.
2) I think that he will ha ve lots of difficulties keeping all the promises he made during the campaign. If he puts on of his plans into action, that will require money. The goverment will only spend so many of their millions of dollars, so he will turn to taxes. That means that the taxes will go up Up UP. Then he will only be doing some of the stuff he promised, and not lowering taxes like he promised. Then some people won't like him that liked him before.
In my personal opinion, I think that he put to much thought into winning, and not enough thought into what he would do once he won. When you think only of winning, you never think about playing, only winning.
I think he will not be the most popular president there ever was. Some people will probably be like"I wish I hadn't voted for him. He did..........." I think he will have a tough first 100 days as president.
PS. This is shorter than it originally was. Twice I typed this, and my loooooooooooong paragraph go deleted.
he will face alot of problems because he does not have a lot of experince with so it will take a long time to get used to the president and people voted for him because he is african american and if he didnt get elected then people would think it was because he is african american............. and people are planing to kill him
I defenetaly agree that he will have many problems and it will be very challenging the first 100 days or even the first year, the economy as a very BIG problem and alot of people dont trust him, he will have to work hard to earn it. I also agree with bryson he is unexperienced. But I guess we just have to trust that he will do what is good for our country.
7th grade, outstanding comments so far. Excellent thoughts and well stated. Keep up the good work!
Economy and earning the country’s trust seem to be the consensus so far. I can’t disagree with either of those thoughts. Obama clearly has a difficult challenge ahead of him, and it is our job to PRAY for him and his leadership of this country.
I encourage you to post follow up comments, and consider looking at what the 6th and 8th grade have posted. They have the same assignment, and this will be the last time all grades share the same blog topic. You are welcome to view other blogs, but keep your comments limited to this one blog. Great job!
Mr. M,
On Roadrunner.com they have this add about how people that don't like Obama are doing bad things to people that supported Obama. They even talked about this store in Maine that is running a poll about "What day do you think Obama will be assasinated". There are (according to the article) People attacking blacks because they supported Obama. I think that it is sad that people would stoop so low as to do stuff like that just because they don't like the president.
If interested, the link to the website is:
I think Obama's biggest challenge will be not getting assassinated. Also he will need to keep our country under control. He also needs to prove to everyone that didn't vote for him that he was the right decision.
I beleive that the war and handling the Iraq people will be his first biggest challenge to face. One reason is because Obama is going to be going against his own people. This will be a challenge as to how he is going to judge and fight against this people.
Deb i agree with and all that you said.
I think Obama should worry about getting the people on his side that do not like him as president by doing everthing he can to help the United States. I think Obama is a little bit inexperienced in this situation. I also think he should carry out his health insurance plan to get the people on his side.But in general I think he is going to be a good president for the next four years.
I think that his biggest challenge is going to be the war and especially since he made so many promises about that he would end the war. It is hard to tell when we will be able to leave Iraq. I hope that Obama doesn't pull out the troops to early because then Iraq will just turn back to what it was like when we went to Iraq in 2003 and he the war would just turn out to be a complete waste of money on our part. The only thing we would have done is get Husane out of there. I also think that he will have a huge problem with the taxes. He said that he would lower taxes for the people who make less than 250,000. I completely dissagree with that. He would be lowering taxes for most people who didn't go to college (I am not saying that everyone who makes less than 250,000 didn't go to college) and most people who went to college are going to get more. He is basically rewarding who didn't go to college and making the people who did go to college pay more. He would be giving the people who make less money the money that belongs to the people who make more than 250,000. I think he will have a hard time making people happy with his strategy. I also think that there will be alot of assassination attempts during his presidency. I agree with some of the other people: because he made a lot of promises, HE WILL HAVE A VERY HARD FOUR YEARS.
I think that obama will be dead, and he will have I HATE GOD on everythng and commercials and things like that. I think someone will try to kill him but i think that he will he will survive the first few days... maybe if he's lucky. I think he will be an interesting choice but thats the choice of america and i'll live. Hopefully
I think Obama will have problems with all the promises he has made about the economy. Whether to pull out the troops overseas or stay and fight. I also think he will have problems with getting people to like him for being a democrat and an Africian American.
I think his toughest challenge that he will face is being african american.I think that evil people like the klu klux klan are angry,and people like the euro nazies.He will probably get many threats and almost be assasinated.But hopefully he will be able to get through his first 100 days. One other thing he will have to face is doubling peoples taxes who make over 250,000 dollars.They will probably be angry
I agree with 7B Kipper
I think his biggest challenge in the first 100 days will be getting our economy back on track. I know he will not be able to do it by himself. I don't think the republicans and the democrats will be willing to work together to make things easy. If our economy keeps falling like it is now more people will loose their jobs and their will not be any jobs for them. So they will loose their homes and they will not be able to buy food and clothes for their children.
I think in the first 100 days that President Obama's hardest job will be to gain the trust of the people that did not vote for him.He will have to keep his campaign promises.
I think it will be geting use to the pressure of being president to tons of people. It is a very difficult job and a lot of people do not like the fact that he is president. He will also need to get use to the fact that he is going to be faced with big decisions that he will need to make. Also because he is president a lot of people depend on him and trust him to make good choises. The decisions he will make will effect the the lives of the people that live in America.
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