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As we continue our study of God’s history in America, let’s explore a very recent, speculator piece of US history. In case you have not heard about the miracle plane landing on the Hudson, click the above link to familiarize yourself with the story. I think you will agree with me, this event is a miracle, and the only way those 155 passengers are alive is due to Divine intervention. The timing of the engine failure, the proximity to the river, the water temperature, all played a role in the survival of flight 1549. Those factors, I believe were the result of Divine intervention. Having said that, credit is owed to the extraordinary pilot. His years of experience, his skill, his steadfast nerve and especially his training, allowed him to land a plane in the middle of a busy river. Let us not forget the skilled flight crew that assisted in getting the passengers to safety. The flight crew was an integral part of the survival story, and they too owe much of their success to years of training.
Post a response with your thoughts about the “Miracle on the Hudson.” Also, share any thoughts you have about the importance of training?
The plane crash was a present day miracle that only our God could do. The crew did a great job especially the pilot. Like Mr. M said, he had had years if training because he used to be a pilot in the military and then went to US Air. And of course the crew did a great job too. They had to calm everyone down and get them off the plane. But it wasn't just the crew on the plane who save the people. The rescuers, like the firefighters and the divers who jumped into the cold water to save the people who were in the water who could die any minute from hypothermia, did a deserve the same amount of credit as the crew on the plane. I heard this one story last night on the news about these two divers who saved this lady who was in the water who they said was cold to the touch and that she could have died if they had come five minutes later and could't even move hardley. None of these people could have done anything without training. And without training some of these people could have died.
I agree with 7A ANNA it was a miracle in present day. The pilot had many years of experiance flying a plane so he had some experiance on landing in water. Now if it was any other pilot I bet the plane was going to be blown up or get cut in half where only few people would survive. The pilot is probobly known as a "HERO" now a days. And the poeple who got in the freezing cold water to get the other poeple out were brave, just like ANNA said before they could of gotten hypohermia. Many of these people were Bank of American representitives, so they were important. Everyday a bird is stuck in the engine so that day was the day geese got stuck in one of our planes. God helped the pilot to glide just enough over the bridge and to protect everyone on that plane. That day was like another day that some people won't forget that day, expecially the passengers and pilots. Just as ANNA said again these people could of died if there was no training skill at all.
On the news last night there was a story about this man from Charlotte, who was on the plane. This was the same flight that he took all the time when he was going to New York for business. He said that when they went into the Hudson, the impact was so great that he was surprised that they didn't die. That's why this is a miracle. When he got to the exit to get off, they told him to jump into the water before the thing employed where the people could just walk off. He swam to a place where he could get out of the water. He said he was freezing so he took off his wet shirt and was so cold. Then the co-pilot gave him his shirt and that kep't him warm long enough to keep him alive. He was in the hospital for a few days with hypothermia.
The plane crash is truly a miricle. It was only God that helped the pilot know just what to do in that situation,and that they landed near people and not in the middle of nowhere, and that the people were all just fine. The training that the people had only prepared them for 1/2 of the experienc that was yet to come. You dont know what it is like to be in a situation until you are actually in it. Yes the training was great!!!!! Full credit goes to God!
This is truly a miracle! Only our God could pull this off!!! I feel training is very important now! If the pilot was ill trained, the plane and passengers may have been destroyed. Also a praise, Mrs. Danaho's husband takes that flight often, a praise he was not on it at the time! With the Inauguration and this we can truly see History in the making. I have no doubt I will remember these events forever.
i think that the crew, pilot, God and the rescuers all deserve alot of credit in there being no deaths from the crash. I agree with Anna on what the crew and rescuers contributed to the survival of the passengers and without proper training a few or many people may have died. Having experience as a former fighter pilot is also an ingredient to the non-deadly crash. Having years of training is someting that will come in handy when you least expect it or at a time when you dont have much time to think and just have to act the way you were trained. The crew and pilot were both trained very well which is one of the reasons that the plane crash was not deadly.
I think that is was amazing that no one was killed on that flight. This is present day proof that God can and still does work miracles. Like it has been pointed out, I think that it was extremely lucky for these people to have such an experienced pilot and crew. The fact that the crash was caused by a flock of geese was funny. I think that training is vital if you are going to be doing something that puts your life and other people's lives at risk. Training saved all these people'slives. If the pilot and crew hadn't had so much training, I think that a lot of people would have died.
I think it was cool. And that God was a major part in the landing and safety of the passengers.
This was definitely a miracle. How lucky they were to have someone that has been in the air force and have been with the US Airways for 29 years. I wonder did the pilot ever panic? But why just recognize the pilot?
The crew. Today and well it has always been, that everyone always has recognized one person, the main person but the people (supposedly) under him don’t get any credit. For instance when we the think racing, do you think the crew or the driver? Sure he drives the car but there wouldn’t any car to drive without the crew to build it. Also in football what player do you think of first the quarter back, why not the full back.
The pilot did what he was suppose to do and was taught what to do. The thing that I think was the biggest bravery is that he went back into a sinking plane 2 times to check and see if everyone was off the plane. Also he must of been fairly calm to be able to think of a place to land and not crash.
Having a pilot that’s been in the air force and have been with the US Airways for 29 years really increases your chance of survival. For instance if it was a guy that just got his flying license then it probably would of been different. It would really be hard to find someone to live up to all the things he’s done.
Hearing about this story may frighten some people but also might make people feel more safe. Frightened, because the idea birds could fly into the planes engine and make you crash. Safe, because you now know that there really are people qualified and have really good experience in flying.
I think training is a big deal especially for if your in that situation..
i think it was our one and only god who saved them and that he made sure the expierianced pilot was on that plain.those could have died if god hadnt helped.it is amazing almost no one died.that pilots training must have been really good. and those people were praying to god to help and he did.
I think it was straight from God. He probably wanted to let us know things can still happen. So we should always be aware what will happen. I heard of it in while we were in Washington, D.C.. When we got there everyone was in the lobby and looking at a TV and we didn't know what was happening. So, we went on up to our room and my grandparents told us what happened. Later that night we saw it on the news channel. As soon as I saw it I said they owe it all to the pilot. What a hero! Because of his great training, everyone was saved.
I think it truly was a miracle from God. I think the pilot did an awesome job on how he landed the plane. The Hudson River is a busy river and to land a plane in it had to be extremely hard. I also think the crew did a great job too. They had to stay calm and get out on the wing quickly. The rescuers did a great job too, such as the divers and the ferry's captians who helped people get out of the very cold water. I think they did a great job. I think training is really important, so if there really is an accident you would know how to react.
I believe that the plane crash was a miracle because if it was not for the training of the crew, and the pilot. If the pilot had not had training and experience i do not think he could have landed a plane on a river. it may sound easy "o he just landed a plane on a river", it is really not that easy, if one wing was not even with the other they could have easily gone straight into the water. I think the pilot has a really quick and calm mind, because didn't all that happen in like five minutes. I think it was smart of the pilot for calling the rescue squad( i never would have thought of that). and it wasn't easy for the crew either, to have take all those people out of there. those people could have easily died without all their help.
i agree with 7a anna it was truly a miracle it might have been good that the pilot had experience but it was mostly the Lord. It was amazing also how the pilot could manuever the plane into open space. He didnt hit anything or anyone and everyone came out with minor injuries. Those kind of events dont happen very often those people were very bleessed. te passengers were good to because they followed directoins which resulted in no deaths. We should thank the lord for this event and give credit to the people.
i do think that it is a miracle. but i did not no that the water was sooo cold. i think that it also wasa miracle by how the water was not so deep. but i was very scared when i found out that that was the same plain that i went on 2 weeks ago for my birthday and we went from Charlotte to Laguardia. and then i went from Laguardia to charlotte just where they were going, and i even remember flying over that and when i saw pics. i remember exactly where that was. but all that matters is that they all survived and no one was seriously engered.
now on the pilot thing. well i do not think that that pilot new that those geese were coming and its not like he could dodge them all so i do not think that they should charge him for anything. and its not like he did it on purpose and he even gave his jacket up for that other man and then he suffered to be cold. well even though people might think that it was his fault then i think that they need to think about how he saved those people and it is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY GOOD to have a great experience in anything you do, specially when it is about peoples lives. but i am very glad that they even landed where there was NO boats or anything and at least around people for help.
Yes, I believe it was a miracle. I think the crew is very well trained especially the pilot.
The plane crash was truly a miracle. I think that training is important because pilots never know what decisions they might face each flight. With the pilots training and most importantly by Gods grace everyone survived.
The credit for having the plane landing safely and carefully goes to the pilot Chesley Sullenberger. The reason for the plane being able to do a U turn is for the many years of experience that pilot Chesley Sullenberger has had on flying. His bravery of staying calm and just doing what he learned to do in this type of situation, was needed very much,because usually i'm guessing in these type of situations pilots might want to and could panic and get all scared like everybody els on the plane. I just watched video on a survivor named Bill Elkin (my friend's son-in-law) who told his story on CBS 2 HD or go to video.aol.com He said there was little children and some infants. Bill Elkin actually helped other people get to safety on lifeboats and ferries. Another thing he said was about him being on the lifeboat with the pilot Sullenberger and 1 other attendant, who got hurt pretty bad by either helping someone or otherwise. One other thing that Bill Elkin said was about the lady sitting beside him told him that the engine was up in flames. As the plane starting hitting the water the lady and Mr. Elkin took hands and tucked their heads down.
It is a miracle that all 155 people survived. only God could have made that possible. many people saw that God was with those people and kept them safe. He knew that pilot waould be able to figure out how to land the plane in the river and be able to do it in a short amount of time.
I think that you should be trained before going on a plane if you are going to be working on it. I think the guy who was flying the plane was a great guy because instead of getting off the plane as soon as he could he made sure everybody else was off first.
The plane crash truly was a miracle, the pilot did his job to the full extent, and he saved lives. God was definitely the the reason every one of those people survived. I agree with 7B CALEB its true only our God could pull this off, and it is AMAZING! I also agree with 7b Michelle it is very true that if the pilot and crew didn’t have that much training that allot of people WOULD have died
Truly a miracle of God
I think this is a complete and total miricle from God.this is also a good exemple why traning is so vital for crew members
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