I want you to think hard about the job President Obama has done since taking the oath of office. Think about the challenges he has faced with the economy and how he has dealt with it. Do you think the stimulus package is a good thing for our country? Consider his actions with other world leaders. Has he represented the US well? He set a deadline for the closing of Guantanamo, is that a good or bad event?
I have mentioned only a few items for your consideration, while omitting several others. Feel free to comment on anything as long as it relates to President Obama’s performance. Finally, I want you to give him a grade A,B,C,D, or F and justify why you feel he earned that grade.
Let me pause for a moment and remind EVERYBODY this exercise is one of the great privileges we have as a democracy. We can speak openly about our government without fear of reprisal.
Let me also remind you this assignment is not a reflection of your political views. I want you to objectively evaluate the job he has done. Please make sure your opinions are well thought out and well articulated. Above all else, be respectful of others opinions; you may disagree with someone in a polite manner.
Well, Obama has been doing more talking and playing along with everything more then he as acually been in office. So far i havn't seen any changes or anything he has done so far. It is still to early to really judge on all his paformices, but what really gets me is when he went to talk to Muslims. I was confused why he did that.
I will grade him with what is happening, the economy is going down QUICKLY, people are losing their jobs, and banks are losing money! I haven't even heard much f the good things happening. So i would give him some credit, so my grade it probibly would be a D+ to a C-.
Pretty much I think he deserves a D+ or a low C. He has done some of his promises. Everyone looks at the promises someone hasn't done but never look at the ones they have done. I mean he hasn't done all or a ton of promises but the promises he made are not going to take just a couple of days. So I don't think we should judge so soon.
I give Obama an "F"!!!!!!! He has been a horrible president so far!! He wants t have George Bush arrested because he started a war with the Irqis! He has released TOP SECRET GOVERNMENT INFO to the public about how we torchered the Iraqis when we interrigated them! This is going to make the Terrorists SUPER MAD!!!!!! He has allowed Government funded ABORTION. He has bowed to the KING of SAUDI ARABIA, who is MUSLIM!!!!! Also, on top of all that, his wife, HUGGED, the queen of England when she was not asked to!!! Now that is just DISRESPECTFUL. I am on fire, and I am VERY MAD (to the 5000th power)at Obama. Once again I give him an "F", actually no, an "F-"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would have to give Obama an F too, just like Caleb, because like Morgan said, he has only done some of is promises but he has made too many promises for those few promises he has kept to even count.
If he wants George W. Bush arrested for starting a war with the Iraqis, then I think he is just doing that because he I don't think he really wants to deal with the war. Well, I don't think he knows how to deal with it for starters. The reason we went into Iraq in the first place was to get Sadom Husein out of there because he was killing fellow Iraqis and didn't the man kill his own daughter?! I think we should have gone over there because he he would have just kept killing and I think it is wrong for Obama to want Bush arrested for helping them. And he released top secret government info? He's a grown man he at least should be able to keep a secret. He should put most of his promises aside and quit working on stuff that doesn't really matter and focus on the economy. I'm hoping these 4 years will go by pretty quickly so we can get someone who cares a little more about fixing the economy than trying to arrest Bush. I mean when I get older, I don't want to live in a world where the economy is absolutely terrible. I know it is sort of bad now but if our president doesn't put enough effort into fixing the eonomy, then it is going to be terrible. But if he is really muslim, he should tell us because if somoneone if he ends of confessing sometime later, people are going to be soooooo mad. I think he really is because a Christian I don't believe he would have much to do with abortion. Though it is very early, unless there is some dramatic change, I think it will most likely continure to be like this.
I agree with the Morgan and Anna. President Obama hasn't been living up to his promises. I don't think he has done such a great job in his first 100 days. It really bothers me that Obama Is closing down Guantanamo Bay, therfore releasing the prisoners and terrorists being held there. I don't think it was right of him to go overseas and bow to some muslim guy, espscially after saying he is a Christian. I just have to say that i don't trust Obama. I still think that he is somehow involved with the terrorists to try and take over America.
This is rather off topic, but somebody sent my dad this really cool email.
It described this person, and if you read it, you immediantly thought it was Obama. It turned out to be Adolf Hitler. I would post the email, but idk where it is located. But I do think it is a little scary that Obama and Hitler have so much in common.
I would give President Obama a D-. I don't think he has lived up to what he said he would when he was elected. He didn't even keep the promise about getting a shelter dog as a pet! If he can't keep simple promises such as what kind of dog he is going to get, why should we trust him with our country?
Outstanding comments! Very insightful and they demonstrate excellent thoughts. Just remember, part of the assignment is to ASSIGN OBAMA A GRADE, AND DEFEND WHY YOU FEEL HE DESERVES THAT GRADE. Keep up the great work.
So far, it appears the 7th grade has not approved of Obama’s performance. To the rest of the class, has he really done that poor of a job?
Obama has made lots of changes. We arent sure wat he will do next.
It is hard to tell. The grade he should get is like a D- b/c has all these promises but probable not gonna be able to keep them all. I agree with morgan we shouldnt judge so soon. and we will just have to see wat obama has for us next ,and trust God to keep us in good hands
I think Obama deserves a BIG FAT F!!!!!!!! First of all he started off bad by making the trillon dollar bailout plan. Why would he use money we don't have to bail out people? Second I don't think he should be bowing down to anyone except the one true God. Third if he wants to help us why does he do all this stuff that does not make any sense? Last i hated the comment he made about the Special Olympics. He said that he bowled like they do in the Special Olympics which had to make all those people fell horrible about themselves. That is the main reason I think HE DESERVES A BIG FAT F!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget about the F!!!!
I totaly agree with caleb! OBAMA DESREVES AN F- he makes promises but then doesnt do them. I mean yes of couse what morgan said was true, but he has only dont a few and he promised like ALOT. the economy is crashing, and what is he doing? well i dont know but from our veiw it looks like NOTHING.
usually when u have a brand new president you hear about it NON stop, even when its a president that has been in office for a long time, but realy obama hasnt really done anything worth talking about, except offensive things!
i am about to post this but LoL the word verification that i have to type spells: AMEN.
i just thought that was kinda funny :)
I think Obama deserves a D-. I think he has done little of what he has promised but not all of it. I also think he has done a lot of things wrong too, such as funded abortion and taking the soldiers out of Iraq. I also think that he shouldnt keep giving money to AIG if all they do with it is pay their customers even more. Those are some of the reasons why I think Obama deserves a D-. I also think even if we dont like him we should still pray for him to make the right decisions.
I would have to give him a D-. Im not extremely mad at him but he has done some bad stuff. like he signed that stimulus bill which may pay for roads and things but im going to be paying taxes for this and so are my kids. that is alot of money. And at his speechs he tends to blab on. im also mad at him for shooting a firehose of money at banks like AIG. ive heard them called zombie banks because without the money they would be out of bussiness. And the money they gave to them my dad has to pay for it. i would definitely give him a D-.
He has done a bad job. Him and the judge messed up on the oath and that's what first worried me. He made a bad choice on closing the prison. The criminals are going to local prisons. That gives them a better chance of escaping, making those neighborhoods more dangerous. The econonmy is horrible, immigrants are not paying taxes, people are losing their jobs and he is turning his back on the Christian values this country was founded on. For his grade I give him a D-. That's my opinion.
I think he should get a C. The economy hasn't gotten any better. People have lost their jobs, the real estate market is not good and businesses are cutting back on hours and benefits. He hasn't been in office that long so he doesn't deserve less than a C because he still may do all the things he promised.
well i dont know what to give him. to be honest i havent really paid attention to what he has done but but i do know some things about him. i know he wants billions of dollars for stuff that are not exactly important to us in the economy and how what hes done about abortion, i HATE THAT. but a grade for him i think that he should get a... umm, well i guess a D or something.
The way Obama represented the U.S when HE THE PRESIDENT bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. Especially being the president Obama should NOT have bowed to this king because, Obama and this king both hold high positions of power over people. When you bow to someone, (like when Obama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia) it shows that you are under them and you respect them more than just a regular person. So they should have just shaken hands and that be the end of it, but no Obama just HAD to go on and bow, this was NOT just a little bow but a full bow from the waist and down,down,down. Also Obama has NOT done ANY,ANY of his promises that he said he would do. I mean when your trying to get votes to win something, (such as being the president) you don't tell them a big heap of lies which obama called "promises". Socialism lets talk, Obama should go back to the founding fathers and what they did instead of socialism and how the church and christianity was a BIG part in forming our U.S.A government. I give president Barak Obama the pleasure of having on my behalf A 100% BIG FAT (AS BIG AS A HOT AIR BALLOON) F! AND NOTHING ELSE WILL DO!! AMEN SISTER, PREACH IT REGINA!!!
I would give our wonderful president a great well deserving F. With all great stuff he has done to help our country. Lets see he took the Mexico city act away, and lets not forget the stimulus bill that is in place. He has reduce our military spending, which is probably going to make us more vunerable against attacks. Then he suggested the plan that say if come home and you were hurt in battle and now you have a 100,000 dollars in medical bills. Our president is going to tax you on that 100,000 as if it were income. Thank you for serving our country and this is how he wants to treat you?? i dint know all the detail so if i am wrong please forgive and correct me but if i am right then that is just inhuman. He gave the Queen of England, a 80 year old person an ipod, and he gave the prime minister a set of dvd that dont even work in England. So for the grade again i would give him a F
I think that I would give President Obama a D. He has not really done anything good for the country, he hasn't created the jobs he promised, our country is going deeper and deeper into debt and no one has a solution (in the government). He has, like Morgan said, fufilled some of his promises, (not saying they're all/any good)so he at least deserves a D because he has at least kept some of his word, but I still don't think he's done a very good job. Especially with foreign dignitaries such as the Queen of England, like Luke said, and how he respected them. These are only some of the reasons why I am only giving President Obama a D.
Hay mr m interesting blog! Im going to have to agree with 7bregina President Obama has been playing the role as president on tv more than he has actually been working on the issues. For every decision he makes he take 2 hours of prme time television to announce it. And to all u obama voters that voted to get the troops out of irac.....Whoooops havent heard much about that. I dont think that we should be to hard on him, and 100 days is not realy enough time to get any economy restarted. Like him or not he is our President and we should respect him.Obama still has time to do some of the things he promissed and i think he'll improve he just needs to spend less time on tv and more time in hi"oval Office".Now that i think about it i cant ever remember President bush doing near as much public speaking...but mabey thats because he added a sylabel to every word he said. haha no i liked President Bush. I think that obamas preformance on his first 100 days in office deserves a solid B+
Id Say he derserves A C
Not to shabby, but ive seen better *cough* Lincoln *cough*
this is lame
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