The election is finally over, and based on those early polls, it comes as no surprise Barack Obama will be our next President. A historic election for many reasons, but probably the most significant is the United States will have for the first time ever a black President. Personally, I am glad the campaigning is over because I am SICK AND TIRED of all those political ads. Televisions, radios, yard signs, and all those phone calls have been driving me crazy. It got so bad at my house, I stopped answering the phone when the caller ID registered a number I didn’t recognize. That’s pretty bad when a person must hide in their own house. The one thing I will not miss is talking about the election with my students. Like so many things about education, one of the great joys about teaching is talking to YOU (my students) about the subject at hand.
As we continue to talk about President Obama, he faces many challenges in his next job. He will be President of a nation greatly divided along party lines; many Republicans are not enthused about the future of our country. Obama must win over their trust and respect. The economy continues to be a serious problem in the US and world. He made campaign promises about energy solutions and our dependence on foreign oil. For his proposed health care plan, I’ve been assured I may keep my current health care but the cost will be lowered by as much as $2,500 a year. You can be sure the country is going to scrutinize him very closely. Yes, he too will be judged by the very people who elected him. Let us not forget the world stage, as foreign governments and its citizens will be evaluating him. You can see the pressures Obama faces, but these are the very challenges every newly elected President must face. Sometime in late April, we will evaluate Obama’s first 100 days in office and decide for ourselves his job performance. But for right now, post a comment on what you believe will be Obama’s biggest challenge in the first 100 days, and WHY?