I want you to think hard about the job President Obama has done since taking the oath of office. Think about the challenges he has faced with the economy and how he has dealt with it. Do you think the stimulus package is a good thing for our country? Consider his actions with other world leaders. Has he represented the US well? He set a deadline for the closing of Guantanamo, is that a good or bad event?
I have mentioned only a few items for your consideration, while omitting several others. Feel free to comment on anything as long as it relates to President Obama’s performance. Finally, I want you to give him a grade A,B,C,D, or F and justify why you feel he earned that grade.
Let me pause for a moment and remind EVERYBODY this exercise is one of the great privileges we have as a democracy. We can speak openly about our government without fear of reprisal.
Let me also remind you this assignment is not a reflection of your political views. I want you to objectively evaluate the job he has done. Please make sure your opinions are well thought out and well articulated. Above all else, be respectful of others opinions; you may disagree with someone in a polite manner.